

COVID-19 Announcement 

We are still open to address your physical therapy needs. We want you to know how Impact is going to keep you feeling mobile, strong, and safe over the next few weeks and/or months.

Providing a fun, healthy, and safe environment to our patients, employees, and community is our mission! We will be taking extra sanitation precautions to ensure your safety:
  • All staff members and patients who are sick will be asked to stay home
  • Cleaning and disinfecting high traffic areas (countertops, handles, equipment, and tables)
  • Diffusing essential oils
  • Our staff will continue to practice frequent hand washing before and after your treatment sessions
Another great benefit to you is that Impact treats all patients one-on-one. This minimizes your exposure to large crowds and potential contact with germs.

Take advantage of this current situation!
If you are working from home, traveling less, or your child is off from school, get in for an appointment!
Now is the time to take care of that nagging shoulder, tight back, or painful knee.
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